Saturday, October 24, 2009

Active Directory Integration with Oracle Identity Manager 9.1 PENDING

Reconciliation Module --
duplicating in Oracle Identity Manager the creation of and modifications to user accounts on the target system. It is an automated process initiated by a scheduled task.
Based on dataType reconciliation on the target System The Reconciliation could be devided into 3 Types
LookUp Field Reconciliation
Group Reconciliation
User Reconciliation

Lookup Fields Reconciliation --

To populate the Lookup.ADReconliation.GroupLookup lookup definition, the following fields of AD Groups are reconciled


Group Reconciliation --

The reconciliation module extracts the following elements from the target system to construct AD Group reconciliation

•Organization Name

User Reconciliation

The reconciliation module extracts the following elements from the target system to construct AD User reconciliation event records:


provisioning is divided into the following types

Organization Provisioning

The following fields are provisioned:

•USN Create
•USN Change
•Organization Name

Group Provisioning

The following fields are provisioned:

•Group Name
•Organization Name
•Group Type
•Group Display Name

User Provisioning

User ID
•Organization Name
•First Name
•Last Name
•Middle Name
•User Must Change Password at Next Logon
•Password Never Expires

•Account Expiration Date
•Full Name
•Group Name