Friday, April 24, 2009

OPEN SSO - solaris

How IDM Will Work -

Here in this Video you can see How idm will work through Identity Manager, Access Control and Resources and process Provisioning, Thsi video is based on Oracle, but the Archetecture is Same wth Sun IDM and OIM also,

In this Video you can find that how Identity Manager will work, with Account, Resources, Access Control and Virtual Directory.

Data Loading & Synchronization

The Most Important Topic of the Any Identity Management Products

You find this details alsoin the 7th Chanpter of the Sun Identity Manager Document on Business Administration Guide. & the 3rd Chapter of the Sun Identity management Depolyement Guide

Now i am explaining you why its So important.

When Account has to linked with User, it either Synchronize the Data or create a new Accounts in the IDM or Resources,

Here User and Account are 2 Diffrent things --

User is a Virtual Identity that is managed by Identity Manager &
Account that is permanent and which is managed by Resources, so that one User can have n-Number of Accounts.

SO that Identity manager contains individual Account ID and Resources ID, Identiy Manager having Account and resource indormation in Accout Index form and Evrey Account Index contains Account ID and Resource ID, this Index also contains the some more information about the Account like Who is teh Owner of the account, What is the account status ( Enabled / Disabled)
This Topics contains information like
Types of Data Loading / How tha Data Should Load with diffrent Types of Loading / managing Reconciliation and Active Sync
Data Loading is the process importing account Information from the resource into IDM and after that assign these accounts to the IDM USER.
IDM Will support 3 main feature which laod the account data information from resource
1. Discovery / 2. reconciliation / 3. Active Sync