Sunday, April 25, 2010



All the OIM Patches Details as Below.

Bundle Patch Number: BP01
Bundle Patch Number: BP02
Bundle Patch Number: BP03 (re-released)
Bundle Patch Number: BP04
Bundle Patch Number: BP05
Bundle Patch Number: BP06
Bundle Patch Number: BP07


Purpose of this document is to provide up-to-date information about Oracle Identity Manager Bundle Patches for version along with list of bugs fixed in respective Bundle Patches(BP).

Note: Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 10.3.1 or later patchsets (incl. 10.3.2) is now certified with OIM and its bundle patches.

These Bundle Patches are cumulative in nature. For example, "assume" latest BP for is BP02 and you have currently applied BP01. Now if you apply
. BP02, you will get fixes for BP01.

The base OIM (Build number 1865.28) can be downloaded using Patch 8484010. You can upgrade to release if any one of the following conditions is true:

You are running Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 on Oracle Application Server and the patch set for Arabic language support has been installed.

Date values returned from a stored procedure adapter were truncated to 7 characters.

An approval workflow with the Depends On feature could not disable or enable a resource.

Bundle Patch Number : BP03 (re-released)
OIM Build Number : 1866.10
Metalink/My Oracle Support Patch Number : Patch 9082856

The Design Console did not support creation of e-mail in multiple languages.

In the display of attestation request results, users were listed in sorted order on each page. The expected outcome was that the entire list of users (across multiple pages) would be sorted and displayed.

Assignment rules created for approval workflows did not work.

XML import of an object definition into Oracle Identity Manager failed if the name of the object contained more than 78 characters.

After initial reconciliation, the status of the AD User resource changed from Provisioned to Enabled during the next reconciliation run. The status did not change back to Provisioned in any of the subsequent runs.

Data types of process form fields did not match data types of resource object reconciliation attributes.

During reconciliation, a UDF of the OIM User was not updated by the update user API in the task adapter.

The OST_KEY was incorrectly mapped when target resource reconciliation was run for the second time for the same account.
  1. The out-of-memory error was encountered when a generic technology connector containing the CSV Reconciliation Format Provider was used to run trusted source reconciliation for a million records.
  2. E-mail notification was not sent to the process owner when an attestation request was declined by the reviewer.

  3. Bundle Patch Number : BP04
    OIM Build Number : 1866.14

    Metalink/My Oracle Support Patch Number :
    Patch 9070428

    BUG FIXED Are as Below
    When a resource was revoked, pending tasks of the revoking request got the request key of the original provisioning request.

    While running the attestation process with Manager as the scope and the Recursive option enabled, the ORA-01795 error was encountered if the manager had more than 1000 subordinates.

    The "Column OIU_KEY Not found" error was encountered when a request was submitted.

    The Attestation Declined e-mail notification and the declined task were not sent to the process owner group.
    If Oracle Identity Manager was using Microsoft SQL Server and the XL.ApplyNoLockHintInQuery property was set to true, then for some specific query patterns the WITH (NOLOCK) tip was appended to the end of the SQL statement.
    Bundle Patch Number : BP05
    OIM Build Number : 1866.19
    Metalink/My Oracle Support Patch Number :
    Patch 9236586

    BUG FIXED Are as Below

    The ORA-936 error was encountered on trying to provision an account on a database by using the GTC Database Application Tables connector.
    The error condition for a missing active version of the process form was not logged.
    At times, the SSL handshake performed through a generic technology connector failed.
    Resources displayed on the Administrative and User Console were not sorted by default.
    An attestation process that had already started could not be modified.
    The IT Resource lookup form did not show translated values for some entries.
    While using a generic technology connector, tceventnotfoundexception was encountered when you performed full reconciliation using a flat file.
    No error was thrown when there were duplicate entries for child forms

    Bundle Patch Number : BP06
    OIM Build Number : 1866.24
    Metalink/My Oracle Support Patch Number :
    Patch 9310713

    BUG FIXED Are as Below

    The Organization lookup field stopped responding if a large number of organizations were loaded.
    Java heap space errors were encountered when you ran Oracle Identity Manager release on an Oracle Application Server cluster.
    The Bulk Load utility could be run only from the computer on which the Oracle Identity Manager database was installed. You could not run the utility from a remote computer.
    For an Oracle Identity Manager installation running on Microsoft SQL Server, the Diagnostic Dashboard test for JDBC XA procedures did not work correctly.
    Pending resource approval tasks were not displayed to a proxy user.

    If an adapter called a stored procedure, Driver Manager debug messages were recorded in the application server log file. There was no way to disable these debug messages.

    When the Bulk Load utility was run for a large number of users with the default batch size (10000), the ORC key in the ORC table was different from the ORC key in the resource table (UD_XXX) for the same user.

    For an Oracle Identity Manager installation using Microsoft SQL Server, if an access policy with a large number of resources was modified, then CPU usage on the database computer reached 100 percent.

    The WRITE permission is required to assign or unassigned a resource object to or from an organization. However, this permission was not checked before a resource object was assigned to an organization.
    A column could be created in Form Designer with the same name as a system-reserved column.
    The Group Membership report showed incorrect data in the Effective From Date column

    Bundle Patch Number : BP07
    OIM Build Number : 1866.25
    Metalink/My Oracle Support Patch Number :
    Patch 9389436

    BUG FIXED Are as Below

    The tcEmailNotificationUtil API could not parse a multiple e-mail address array.

    An error caught by the tcRequestOperationsBean event handler was not displayed on the console.

    An error was encountered when an approver tried to view an approval request.